
Astellas Bulgaria wins 3rd Place on Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum's (BBLF) Annual Responsible Business Awards – members association of leading companies in Bulgaria

Astellas Bulgaria wins 3rd Place on Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum’s (BBLF) Annual Responsible Business Awards

Astellas Bulgaria was awarded 3rd place in the category Best Social Policy for small and medium sized enterprise with Disease awareness campaign in support of organ donation- “Gift of Life” This year’s awards were presented at an official ceremony gala on 10 June 2021 in Sofia. The Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum’s (BBLF) Annual Responsible Business …

Astellas Bulgaria wins 3rd Place on Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum’s (BBLF) Annual Responsible Business Awards Read More »

Japan-Bulgarian Business Association and the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University with a joint event on Business Ethics and Responsibility

Japan-Bulgarian Business Association and the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University with a joint event on Business Ethics and Responsibility

Japan-Bulgarian Business Association and the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, organized their first joint event with the kind support of the Embassy of Japan in Bulgaria. The event took place on June 8th at the Aula Magna Hall of Sofia University, where Professor Hiroo Takahashi of Soka University in Tokyo, Japan …

Japan-Bulgarian Business Association and the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University with a joint event on Business Ethics and Responsibility Read More »

Unveiling the SUN DANCE sculpture in Sofia with the support of JBBA member companies in Bulgaria

Unveiling the SUN DANCE sculpture in Sofia with the support of JBBA members

The sculpture Sun Dance was unveiled on November 20th next to the Lovers’ bridge in Sofia, Bulgaria. The unique monument is a project initiated by the AMATERAS Foundation to celebrate the relations between the two countries. The unveiling was part of the official 31st Days of Japanese Culture in Bulgaria, which is a traditional and …

Unveiling the SUN DANCE sculpture in Sofia with the support of JBBA members Read More »

Logo of the World Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan

JBBA engages with Bulgarian Government on World Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan

JBBA sent a letter to Bulgarian Government regarding the upcoming important global event – the next World’s Fair, which will be held in 2025 in Osaka-Kansai, Japan, with the strong support and commitment to the organization from the Japanese government. The theme of the exhibition will be “Designing a future society for our existence” with …

JBBA engages with Bulgarian Government on World Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan Read More »

Official registration of the Japan-Bulgaria Business Association (JBBA) on November 23, 2020 – the executives of the founder companies in Bulgaria

Japan-Bulgaria Business Association (JBBA) was incorporated and officially registered on November 23, 2020

Japan-Bulgaria Business Association (JBBA) was incorporated and officially registered on November 23, 2020. The Japan-Bulgaria Business Association is established to support and promote existing Japanese businesses in Bulgaria, to assist and provide information on the investment climate and legislation, as well as to provide practical support for operational issues to potential Japanese investors in the …

Japan-Bulgaria Business Association (JBBA) was incorporated and officially registered on November 23, 2020 Read More »

The first Japan-Bulgaria Business Meeting at the office of the Bulgarian Head of State

The first Japan-Bulgaria Business Meeting at the office of the Bulgarian Head of State

On February 5th, 2020, a Japan-Bulgaria Business Meeting was held at the office of the Bulgarian Head of State. The meeting was hosted by the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Mr. Rumen Radev. The Bulgarian Minister of Economy Mr. Emil Karanikolov participated in the event as a representative of the Bulgarian government, while the …

The first Japan-Bulgaria Business Meeting at the office of the Bulgarian Head of State Read More »